先日,本屋で立ち読みをしていたら、ふと目に留まったアーチスト『Charlene Mullen』。テキスタイルを中心に多くの作品を発表している。刺繍のモチーフをここまでオリジナリティに溢れたデザインで表現できるとは,モノクロのシンプルな線がなんともいえない味わい深さを醸し出している。
In creating images that would be impossible to do by computer, the inherent imperfections bring an aesthetic element to the work. There is an intricacy that could only be achieved by the human hand, combining craftsmanship and beauty, function and utility. My latest work has been about securing structure with embroidery, so it is much more than merely decorative. A recent example is pleats secured with stitching and beadwork.
Once the creative decision is made, it can be executed by others. I prefer not to get involved in the complexities of mass production but focus on the next project. My work centres on collaboration and I like to work closely with clients seeing the idea through from conception to commercial outcome. The ultimate thrill is being given a brief and finding a perfectly surprising solution.
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